Sierra Leone Will Not Sign $480 M MCC Compact This Month

Sierra Leone Will Not Sign $480 M MCC Compact This Month

Reports Reaching NEW AGE has revealed that despite the huge celebration in Sierra Leone that President Bio will sign the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in the month of August with the United State Congress, the country will not sign the agreement this month as earlier expected.
The report revealed that there is a congressional disapproval of MCC giving Sierra Leone that money under a President that has serious legitimacy issue.
It is believed that the MCC Administration in the United States has already given the Bio-led administration the information about congressional block of the MCC Money for Energy.
However, the MCC published the Congressional Notification on the 29th July 2024 indicating that the MCC agreement will be signed with Sierra Leone this August, after which, funds will be allocated to the Government of Sierra Leone within 15 days.
When asked whether the signing will go ahead in a WhatsApp group, Press Secretary, Yusif Keketoma Sandi confirmed that the signing will not happen during the trip of the President to US for the UN Security Council Meeting which Sierra Leone is the chair as expected.
“…Once the process is completed for the signing you and the people will be duly informed,” he said.
Sierra Leoneans are hopeful that the MCC $480M will become a reality and will go a long way to solve the electricity problems in the country.

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