On Alleged Immigration Fraud & Discrimination… Leone Rock Makes Clarifications

On Alleged Immigration Fraud & Discrimination… Leone Rock Makes Clarifications

Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG) former Kingho Mining has made clarifications on a number of issues raised against the company.
Making the clarifications, the Management of Leone Rock maintained that their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is second to none in the country as they have done plenty for the people of Sierra Leone and the country and still doing more.
Refuting the claims of immigration fraud and discrimination against local workers, the Director of Human Resources Leone Rock Metal Group, Mohamed Daffe said that 90% of their employees are Sierra Leoneans adding that there are other employees who are Chinese, Rwandese, South Africans among others and that they are treated equally.
Referencing the above, he asked as to how inclusive can a workforce be, considering what they already have as a company.
“You cannot have this kind of workforce together if you do not pride yourself on respect, and that is why we keep make progress; that is why we keep certain standards…,” Mr. Daffe stated.
He expressed that consultation is a priority for them as they consult their staff and communities on their activities which shows that the care for both their staff and working communities.
Reacting to concerns of the company not allowing staff to set up a workers’ union, he said that it is the right of their workers to have a union and that their workers belong to the United Mines Workers Union which he said is very functional.
He also said that they have always been compliant with the immigration as well as labor laws of Sierra Leone and called on the media to consider Leone Rock as partners in development for progress of Sierra Leoneans and the country.
Similar sentiments were expressed by other heads of departments of the company.

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