Le16.5 Billion In Limbo …Due To Poor Management At SLAA

The sum of SLE16,579,336.35 which is over Le16.5 billion in the old Leones remains unaccounted for at the Sierra Leone Airports Authority (SLAA).
This was revealed by the protector of the Sierra Leone public purse, Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) in their recently published report which looks into the account of Sierra Leone.
According to the report, Poor Receivables Management led to the misshape in the Authority as the amount in question now remains unconfirmed.
That twenty-nine debtors with an aggregate balance of SLE20,185,899.86 in the books of the Authority were circularised.
“Confirmation was received from two debtors, with the amount confirmed from them totaling SLE43, 629.61. The amount not confirmed by the remaining 27 debtors totaled SLE16, 579, 336.35.,” the Audit stated.