Guma Valley Resorts To Rationing Water Supply …In Rainy Season

Guma Valley Resorts To Rationing Water Supply  …In Rainy Season

Guma Valley Water Company has resorted to rationing water supply in Freetown based on a schedule day on Thursdays.
This was made known by Guma Valley in their release dated 20th June 2024 informing the public that water supply has recommenced as per the rationing schedule.
In the midst of all theses, the supply of water in Freetown has always been a serious challenge for many years now as Sierra Leoneans most often than not struggle to access water which is one of the basic amenities.
What has surprised many people is that why is Guma rationing the supply of water at time like this which is the rainy season when water is expected to be available?
In their release, Guma Valley with excitement boldly stated that they are pleased to inform the general public that maintenance work on the 28 inches transmission pipeline at Banga Farm (Mile 13) has been completed.

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