Government Over Spends Le630 B In 2023 …On Wages, Salaries & Employees Benefits

Government Over Spends Le630 B In 2023  …On Wages, Salaries & Employees Benefits

The Government of Sierra Leone under the watch of President Julius Maada Bio spent the sum of SLE 630 million which is equivalent to Le630 billion in the Old Leones on wages, salaries and employees benefits in 2023 above the budget target of SLE4,827.
This was captured in the Un-Audited General-Purpose Financial Statements (GPFS) of the Consolidated Fund report by the Government of Sierra Leone for the Financial Year 2023.
The report maintained that the total amount spent by government on wages, salaries and employees’ benefits was SLE5,457 million which accounts for 13% of the amount spent which is SLE630 million.
The report revealed that the amount spent is over 29% of the total amount in the Financial Year of 2022.
Prior to the coming to power of the New Direction Administration, the issues of wages and salaries is something the SLPP promised to address as they used to point fingers at the bloated wages and salaries of the then APC administration.
The report however stated that the government wage bill has been maintained at 8% of GDP

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